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Meet the women behind Raging Hippo Publishing

Kel Carpenter and Aurelia Jane are the hilarious team behind the international bestselling series, A Demon’s Guide to the Afterlife. They pride themselves in being absolute weirdos, spending hours on the phone coming up with detailed worlds, and laughing about crazy ideas for torturing characters. While they believe they each have the personality of a rabid badger, people still seem to like them okay. They share a love of coffee, travel, and tacos, and they’ve made some adorable tiny people with their equally weird husbands. Best friends and work wives, Kel has the audacity to live in Maryland while Aurelia lives in Texas, but they try to see each other as much as possible.

  • Aurelia Jane

    Aurelia Jane


    She loves to travel, can speak in movie quotes, and is an avid coffee enthusiast—the latter is an addiction fueled by her two loud & adorable children, talkative cats, & workaholic nature. Tacos are her first love, though she’s happily married to her favorite person.

    She resides in Texas.

  • Kel Carpenter

    Kel Carpenter


    When she’s not reading or writing, she’s traveling the world, lovingly pestering her editor, and spending time with her husband and fur-babies.

    She is always on the search for good tacos and the best pizza. She resides in Gaithersburg, MD and desperately tries to avoid the traffic.

Upcoming Signings

Imaginarium Book Festival, Washington, D.C.

June 7-8, 2024

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